Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Types Of Coffee

Do not claim to be connoisseurs of coffee if you are not familiar with the types of coffee and serve it, then choose what kind of good coffee, the flavor of fresh coffee, or how they are presented.

1. Coffee arabica (arabica coffee)

The coffee comes from Brazil and Ethiopia it holds 70 percent of the world coffee market. Arabica coffee has many varieties, depending on the country, climate, and land where coffee is grown. You can find coffee Toraja, Mandailing, Columbian, Brazilian, and so forth. Between Arabica coffee and the other one has a different flavor.

Here are the characteristics of arabica coffee:

* Smells like a mix of fragrant flowers and delicious fruit. Living in areas with cool and cold.
* Having a sour taste that is not owned by the robusta type coffee.
* Have a strong sense of the body or when disesap in the mouth.
* Pain or mild arabica coffee is more subtle.
* Coffee arabica is also famous for bitter.

2. Robusta coffee

Control 30 percent of the world market. Coffee is spread beyond Colombia, as in Indonesia and the Philippines. Just as arabica, soil conditions, climate, and coffee packaging processes will be different for each country and produces a sense that little lot is also different.

Robusta coffee characteristics:

* Have a taste more like chocolate.
* The smell produced distinctive and sweet.
* The color varies according to processing methods.
* Have a more coarse texture than Arabica.

3. Coffee ekselsa, racemosa, and liberica (african coffee)

Is a type of coffee is between arabica and robusta. Coffee is currently still in development stage.

4. Coffee mongoose / Luwak

It is the coffee that comes from arabica or robusta coffee beans are eaten by the mongoose. Civet coffee will swallow fruit (red) and processing it with enzymes in the stomach. The seeds of the coffee fruit is then discarded along with their droppings.
"These seeds are called civet coffee. We are still researching enzymes in the stomach mongoose which makes it even more delicious coffee.

Coffee mongoose valued around even more, depending on the type of coffee that is eaten civet. coffee mongoose becomes more special because the mongoose find that 90 percent of the coffee fruit matured. He does not see color, but using a sharp sense of smell and are always looking for coffee at night. In one coffee tree, only 1-2 grains eaten fruit. That way, taken by the civet coffee is coffee with highest maturity values, which is certainly very influential on the taste of coffee later.

Whatever type of coffee available, the process of sorting through packaging is very influential on the taste of coffee. For example, coffee is mixed with soil, leaves, twigs, and other objects carried on while picking and drying of coffee will affect the taste of coffee.

Assessing good coffee can not be merely from physical causes, if physically good but sometimes when drying holes or exposed to rain, then it will make the aroma and taste of coffee declined.