Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Child Age 4 Years Not Ever Eat And Drink / Acid reflux

Name is Daniel Harrison. Strangely this four-year boy had never felt how the taste of food and beverages from birth. All nutritional requirements to enter the body through a tube attached later in his stomach. It begins when a child suffering from acid reflux attack him as an infant.

Acid reflux is a disorder of eating due to excessive stomach acid production. This is usually characterized by vomiting at each meal, accompanied by unbearable pain in the upper chest and throat area. Not infrequently it burn.

Since the disease struck, Daniel always had tremendous fear when confronted with food and beverages. Autism disorders also increase the memory of trauma because of the pain when the baby continues to cling.

His parents, Kevin and Catherine, have traveled all over the UK to cure the illnesses suffered by Daniel. Various medical treatments have been done, but it was fruitless. In 2009, Daniel even had to fight against the H5N1 virus that attacks the lungs.