Sunday, June 12, 2011

10 Greatest Earthquake in the World Part II

Earthquakes are vibrations hard on the earth's crust that can cause damage to buildings, even some deaths caused by a falling rubble. According cause earthquakes can be classified into several kinds such as;
Tectonic Earthquake, the earthquake caused by a stack of plate tectonics.
Volcanic earthquake, caused by volcanic activity.
Earthquake ruins / sliding, since the collapse of buildings or landslides.
An earthquake in the seabed can often be turned into a tsunami. The following I want to give some of the largest earthquake in the world where three of which occurred in Indonesia.

1. Chile 22 May 1960 the power of 9.5 in Richter scale

approximately 1.655 people died, 3,000 people were injured, and 2,000,000 people were left homeless and the loss of U.S. $ 550,000,000,000 while the damage alone reached Hawaii and resulting tsunami on the coast of Hawaii, Japan, Philippines and damage on the west coast of America

2. Prince William Sound, Alaska March 28, 1964 the power of 9.2 in Richter scale

The quake caused at least 113 people died in the tsunami and 15 people in the earthquake itself. This earthquake also resulted in the lifting of the soil surface up to 13-15 meters in surface area of ​​520,000 square kilometers (kira2 5x the size of the island of Java who just 139,000 sq km)

3. Off the west coast of North Sumatra December 26, 2004 strength of 9.1 on Richter scale

This earthquake was the third greatest earthquake since 1900 and who the greatest since 1964 after the Alaska earthquake, total of 227.898 people died or missing and around 1.7 million people homeless. This earthquake also caused the tsunami in 14 countries in southeast asia and south. victims of the tsunami itself caused direct losses and damage most severe in history. Apart from the tsunami itself, this quake also caused many to become active volcanoes, landslides in various parts of Sumatra, the creation of the mudflow in the Andaman Islands, and the emission of Natural Gas in Myanmar

4. Kamchatka 11 April 1952 the power of 9.0 in Richter scale

The earthquake happened in hawaii at 1:40 pm This results in the tsunami as high as 9 meters more and resulted in losses of up to U.S. $ 1,000,000 due to the destruction of physical infrastructure along the coast of Hawaii

5. Off the coast of Ecuador, January 31, 1906 strength of 8.8 on Richter scale

Devastating earthquake as strong as 8.2 on the Richter scale happened off the coast of Ecuador and Colombia lead to the tsunami which killed about 1500an people. tsunami itself occur along the coast of Central America to the northern coast of the U.S. (san francisco) and the west coast of Japan.
Tsunami wave itself occurred in 3 waves in 20-minute intervals where the waves swell to each wave of the tsunami's first reply to the third

6. Rat Islands, Alaska 04 February 1965 the power of 8.7 in Richter scale

The earthquake caused tsunamis as high as 10.7 meters and a loss of about U.S. $ 10,000

7. Northern Sumatra, Indonesia 28 March 2005 the power of 8.6 in Richter scale

At least 1000 people died, 300 injured and 300 buildings destroyed on Nias; in Simeuleu alone 100 people were killed and 200 people died in the Islands a lot. 3-meter-high tsunami also destroyed the airport and seaport

8. Assam - Tibet August 15, 1950 strength 8.6 Richter scale

at least 780 people died and many buildings that collapsed in Eastern Tibet, and resulted in jebolnya a dam and causing waves as high as 7 meters which wiped out several villages and caused 536 people dead, but the predicted rate of loss is far from distinguished figures reported

9. Andreiano Islands, Alaska, 09 March 1957 the power of 8.6 in Richter scale

This earthquake caused two bridges on the island adak, leaving cracks as wide as 4.5 meters on the highway and the eruption of a volcano Vseidog who had fallen asleep during 200tahun. Furthermore, this quake caused tsunami which destroyed the 15-meter shoreline at Scotch Cap and Sand Bay. The tsunami itself continues to Chile, El Salvador and Japan, and destroyed two villages and cause losses up to U.S. $ 5,000,000 in hawaii

10. Southern Sumatra, Indonesia 12 september 2007, the power of 5.8 in Richter scale

At least 25 people dead, 161 injured and buildings damaged 52.522 even collapsed due to this earthquake. The quake could be felt up to Jakarta, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand