Saturday, June 11, 2011


I. Definition of Dark Arts 
Dark Arts or Dark Arts is a part of the world the magic that violate the rules that exist in the wizarding world. According to Jake Gosvina in his book Science and the World of Black Magic definition of black magic is a form issued by the magic that the magic user. Studies related to black on the type of force that should not be created.

Meanwhile, according to Professor Dirk Steven Sandez in his book Against the Dark Arts and its Bearing Muggle and Magical Population science is a science of black magic used for evil against others and are usually used for their own interests. 

Conclusion of the 3 definitions above is the black magic is a form of witchcraft issued by the user that violates the rules in the wizarding world and aims to crimes against other people for the sake of self-interest.

II. Types of Dark Arts 
According to the book by Mandy on 100 001 Jackie Landy Black Studies, black magic is divided into several types

* Dark Magic Spell or the Dark Arts Charms 
Dark Magic Spell or Spell Dark Arts refers to a magic spell used by the user in order to injure or give negative effects to the recipient. All the black arts are included in this group are of spells.

* Dark Magic Items or Objects Dark Arts 
Dark Magic Dark Arts Items or objects are objects that contain black magic or items that are used and created aimed to injure others or give negative effects to the recipient. All the black arts are included in this class are the objects that were created or dimantrai with remarks that it was real.

* Dark Creatures or Creatures Dark Arts 
Dark Creatures or Creatures Dark Arts is a living creature that is born or created with a specific purpose. These creatures consist of several types but basically everything is the same which has the goal of crime. Included in this group were all living creatures both created and formed his own that has a purpose to injure others or give a negative effect on his life.

III. Scope of the Dark Arts 

In this essay the scope of black magic lies in spells contained in black magic. In addition to its given task, black magic spells more often used than the other two types of black magic because it is faster and does not cause many problems.

IV. Explanation of the Dark Arts Charms 

Dark Arts spells consist of some kind. 100 001 According to the book Dark Arts, the incantations of black magic is divided into 3 types.
* Curse * Jinx * Hex

Definition of the three types above is approximately the same ie that contain spells curse of the spell recipient. What is different from the curse of the above three is the strength and the results obtained.

Curse refers to a curse that is done directly. Thus the curse is delivered clearly or directly on target. The curse of this kind could result in direct accordance with the curse given Jinx (plural: Jinxes) is cursed with a curse like a lighter weight. Jinx does not like Cursed which can cause death directly (instant kill) but provide a kind of negative effect on the recipient's magic. Hex (plural: Hexes) is a curse that makes other people change from its shape. The curse is changing all or part of the recipient's body magic to get worse. Lighter weight of this curse of Cursed.

* Mantra Most Dangerous and Prohibited 

According to an interview with Professor Minerva McGonagall, there are 3 types of spells the most dangerous and forbidden.People call it the Curse unforgivable Avada Kedavra, and Imperio Crucio

[*] Avada Kedavra 
This curse is the curse spells to kill them directly to the recipient.The death of the recipient of this curse place directly after this curse out and for no apparent reason the recipient of the curse will die.

[*] Crucio This curse is the curse spells that gives all the pain in the body.Allows to provide a death in the body that does not suffer.

[*] Imperio 
This curse is a spell that affects other people's thoughts like a hypnotist. In addition, this spell can make the sender of the curse can read all that is in the mind of the recipient of the curse. And the recipient of the curse will do what it had been instructed by the sender of a curse.