Monday, June 13, 2011

Organic Food Can Extend Life

Researchers from Newcastel found that organic foods can help extend the average life span of 25 days to 17 days for men and women. Thus the results of a study to be released in the latest issue of the journal Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, recently.

According to the study, changing lifestyles by eating organic foods will also make you healthier and slimmer. Fruits and vegetables are grown without artificial fertilizers contain more nutrients were major, including vitamin C. Some people are lucky to be alive for a few months away and some can be up to five years.

This research was conducted by researchers from the University of Newcastle. They also said that organic foods can be equivalent to the advantages of a country that applies the national breast cancer screening program.

This also shows that organic foods can improve public health, highlighting the higher levels in individuals who encourage the body to burn fat. This conclusion is contrary to the Food Standards Agency, which has long denied the existence of the health benefits of organic food.

In addition, researchers based at Newcastle School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, as well as review all the most recent research on the nutrition found in organic food.