Saturday, June 18, 2011

Most Unique Animals Photos

Living things in the world is very diverse. God so perfectly created all living beings with unique characteristics of each. Among the unique, there are some creatures that is truly unique.

Middle fingered primates Extra Long

Animal called the aye-aye has a characteristic large eyes, ears like a bat, and extra long middle fingers. Primate middle finger is used to gouge out the food from the crevices of trees. A number of scientists from Duke University in the United States say aye-aye may be a clue to the mystery of the evolution of color vision in living things.

Bats legged suckers

Scientists have discovered a new species of bat named Myzopoda schliemanni Islands in Madagascar, in 2007. Sucker-footed animals are able to stick to the broad-leaved trees such as palm tree is closely related to Myzopoda aurita who live in humid areas. Scientists were surprised by the ability of the animal because he was able to live in arid regions such as the African continent. In fact, the area of ​​virgin forest on the continent only the remaining eight percent.

Mickey Mouse of the desert

Some biologists issued a videotape of a unique rodent named Long-eared Jerboa in 2007. Animals are often called the Mickey Mouse of the desert has ears larger than its head and legs that can jump like a kangaroo. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has set the status of this endangered animal. One of the real threat of long-eared Jerboa is a local cat.


Sincan? You might think the name is the name of one of Japan's cartoon character who is quite famous. However sincan here stands for a lion-tiger or lion-tiger called (Ligers). For several decades ago, scientists biologists often perform a number of cross-breeding antarbinatang like sincan. In 2004, the animal involved appear to accompany actor Jon Heder in Napoleon Dynamite film. Sincan addition, there are several other hybrid animals such as killer whales cross-dolphins and polar bears, grizzly bears.

Mice Land billed Stars

Moles billed stars? From the name alone suggests the uniqueness of the animal. With 22 tentacles on the snout mini star, moles are able to detect and digest food more quickly than the human eye blink. Yes, very quickly. Only a fraction of a second. These amazing animals live in swamps and other wet areas around the east coast of North America.

Combined Animals Birds, Reptiles, and Mammals

Perhaps you already recognize the unique animals of this one. Animals named platypus has several unique like a duck snout, webbed feet, and lay eggs like reptiles. One oddity that probably not many people know is a male platypus can deliver venom from a number of parts in his leg.

Colossal squid

Some scientists are fishing a giant squid (Colossal squid) in New Zealand waters in 2008. They found that the eyes of marine animals is size of dinner plates. This makes the eyes of the giant squid as the world's largest animal eye. Colossal squids could grow by up to 46 feet and has tentacles are equipped with suckers and hooks. Scientists believe an aggressive animal is capable of diving to a depth of 6,500 feet.